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  • We learn to bring kindness and curiosity to the places that are difficult

    Join the West Broward Insight Meditation Community

    When we come together to listen to the Dharma, a shift  begins to happen.

    We begin to notice how views, beliefs and opinions close off the mind and heart. How we leave the present moment over and over again, in search of a better “there” than “here.”

    As we practice in community and walk this path together, the feeling of being a separate self — dissolves. We learn to open our hearts to what is painful and what is joyful.

    Develop a Consistent Practice to Strengthen Your Ability to Stay Present

    Virtual Weekly Sangha

    Virtual Weekly Sangha

    Join our vibrant community every Sunday 9:30-11am and Thursday 11-11:45am via Zoom for guided meditations, talks and mindful Q&A sessions. Sign up now to receive the link and become part of our mindful community. Let's explore mindfulness together!

    Mindfulness Retreats

    Mindfulness Retreats

    Mindfulness Retreats can help us deepen our knowledge and personal experience of this healing practice. During these events we engage in seated, walking and eating meditation, and much more. Sign up and learn more about our upcoming events! 

    Guided Meditation and Talks

    Guided Meditation and Talks

    Can't make it to our weekly mindfulness classes or retreats? Listening to guided meditations and talks are a great way to support your practice. We now have  a library of pre-recorded guided meditations and mindfulness talks led by founder, Cindy Ricardo. 

    WB Mindfulness is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, supported entirely by donations, volunteers, and its community members.

    I learned in this retreat that mindfulness is a meditation practice that helps you pay attention in a particular way “on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmental…” I experienced bringing my complete attention to the present moment during the guided practices as well as during periods of Noble Silence. Cindy guided us through some of the meditations. Her knowledge and experience together with her spiritual personality and voice helped me get to know my mind, body and heart at a higher level. Jose’s participation was lively; he provided his own perspectives and experience on mindful meditation. The location was excellent: accommodations, surrounding areas, and vegetarian food added to the pleasant experience. The singing bowls and the mindful yoga was a nice touch! Overall, I give this retreat 5 stars!…

    DAVID P., Weston, Fl.

    The retreat was wonderful! …location was absolutely beautiful, food was really delicious and the teacher was just extraordinary! We had a great chance to live these 3 days mindfully in the present moment, spent a lot of time outdoors, practiced yoga and meditated. It was a great experienced that brought calmness and clearness to my life. Thank you so much, Cindy and Jose…

    MARIYA, N., Miami Beach, Fl.

    I went into retreat with as few expectations as possible as this was my first retreat. I was most stunned by the opportunity to observe just how noisy my mind actually is. It’s easy to get caught up in the strong, consistent flow of thoughts and this time in silence really helped me identify this habit. The most powerful outcome of silence was coming to find that the thoughts and stories are not what is important while in practice, it’s the pausing to acknowledge and be with what is actually arising in the moment and learning how stay present by bringing the attention to the breath, body sensations or sounds. In this way I stay present instead of caught up in stories and limited beliefs…

    RACHEL M, Boca Raton, Fl

    The experience of a silence retreat is a true gift to self. The opportunity to be alone with your thoughts and be aware of what occupies your mind is pretty interesting. Once unplugged from outside stimuli and entering Noble Silence, you are encouraged to be with what is arising in the moment and to understand the multitude of thoughts and feelings that inhabit the mind. It may seem like it’s a difficult thing to do but it’s totally doable. The meditations and talks gave us structured time to quiet down those thoughts.

    ALEXANDRA A., Weston, Fl.

    We learn to shift from reacting in ways that divide and hurt us, to responding in ways that connect and heal.
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